Saturday, August 29, 2009

August 29, 2009

The Why
Like many I have been inspired recently by the wonderful film, Julie & Julia! A working mother with three children, my "free hours" are very limited, and yet I find myself seeking an elusive something, and intrigued with bloggerific possibilities!

Maybe it will be immensely worthwhile and enriching - only time will tell! Maybe one day I will touch your heart in some small way or make you think about things a bit differently, and maybe you will do the same for me. That may seem like a humble goal, but sometimes the biggest things in life are initiated, defined or refined by minutia.

True Blue
My typical work day (I work for a small marketing and advertising firm) is hectic and varied - occasionally it is inspirational, but mostly it is "perspirational", with limited rewards! When I speak about these feelings, I want to be very clear that am NOT referring to my pay scale or my employer - I am fortunate to work for an exceptional woman who pays me fairly, trusts me implicitly and appreciates my contribution.

In a more general sense, however, I find that many people today have abandoned basic manners and interpersonal skills: they don't say "thank you", for example (and in my view that is a standard offering we should all carry at all times)! I am also noticing that a lot of the goodness, talent and energy we pour out into each working day is taken for granted.

Many people in the working world talk about being "team players" but typically they are just thinking of themselves. Further along the opportunistic path, they do not care to build lasting connections with others and they do not appreciate the differences between true quality and all the run-of-the-mill stuff out there.

Loyalty and class have gone out of vogue -- replaced by a demanding, fickle population where everyone thinks they are an expert on everything, and many will step on their dear Mother's head if need be to gain a perceived leverage.

My Question for you today
Today, if you could distill all that you are and all that you aspire to be; all that delights you and all that frustrates you, and then you had to choose one colour to encompass that feeling - what colour would it be? Today mine is prussian blue - complex, dark, a bit moody; but as with fine food and wines all hope is raised by the prospects of the perfect pairing - for I do believe in the interconnectedness of all humankind and delight in the moments where we compliment, enrich, collaborate and grow.

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