Monday, August 2, 2010

July 2010 Post-Mortem

It seems like July would never come (I was sooooo ready for a break!) and now it's long gone and I am facing the last day of my summer vacation - those lazy days just vanished in time, just like a puff of smoke; shazam!

Camping was highlight, of course, and we lucked out with exceptional weather. But for the second year in a row I found myself saddled with a very picky, conniving kid - my son's buddy! (arg!) Next time we "fly solo"! My little guy makes friends easily at the campground, and I am just not willing to deal with the drama/dynamics of some unbalanced little personalities.

I feel a bit badly as I was raised to be generous and gracious, but I am
NOT a child psychologist and this is my holiday time -- only three weeks off a year to spend with my kids, so they are very precious. So... no whiners, party poopers, thankless, mannerless passengers allowed in my holiday space -- NO MORE!

Treasure Found

Week Two I escaped to Las Vegas with a girlfriend. It was impromptu -- found a great hotel+flight bargain and seized the opportunity to get away. I had never been to Vegas and haven't a hot clue about gambling.

I soon learned why they call slot machines "one-armed bandits" LOL! But we did enjoy walking and seeing the sights and managed to save a bit of $$$ to bring back some fun souvenirs for friends/family :)

The Bellagio is really a wonderful hotel/resort with exceptional staff, service etc. The food was surprisingly affordable and consistently delicious. I was impressed at the consistent delivery of excellent guest services at the Bellagio -- really commendable, given the size of the place and the complexity of the demands placed upon the staff; so "bravo"!

Highlights of Vegas and our Bellagio stay were the fountains, the conservatory and the Cirque du Soleil show, "O".

Weird and random musings... I was gobsmacked by how many families were dragging kids in strollers through the casinos. Vegas is still Vegas, and little kids do not belong anywhere near a casino -- just wrong on so many levels!

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