Sunday, September 18, 2011

Marvelous MIM!!!

If you are eating low carb and also interested in getting your Omega3s and keeping a healthy degree of fibre in your diet, the Atkin's Muffin in a Minute (MIM) may be just what you're looking for!

Easy to make from scratch (literally 1-2 minutes of prep and 1 minute in the microwave!), the MIM is large, light in texture and tastes great. The photo at left shows 2/3 of the muffin I made today - I had already gobbled the rounded top of it before I thought to share my joy!

By the way, I grind my own flax seed a couple of cups at a time and store it in the freezer - I not only find this to be much more economical, but I find that it also has a far better flavour than the pre-milled flax.

As our mornings get cooler, it's nice to have a quick, hot breakfast alternative - I enjoyed the piping hot MIM today with a bit of my homemade, sugar-free strawberry jam, and I felt very satisfied and spoiled before, during and after :)

NOTE: flax breads are higher in fat, but this is healthy fat that, over time, will improve the texture of your hair, skin and nails. For women of all ages, flax as part of daiy diet can also help with menstrual cramps, and for those age 35+, flax in your daily diet can alleviate "hot flashes" common in perimenopause and menopause. Isn't it nice to have that benefit come to us from healthy, tasty food and not from a hormone pill or injections? Here is the recipe - ENJOY!

Atkins Muffin in a Minute (MIM)

1 large egg
1 tsp. melted butter or canola oil
Few grains salt (optional)
1 pkg. artificial sweetner
1/2 tsp. cinnamon (optional)
1/4 cup ground flax
1/2 tsp. baking powder

Place flax, salt, cinnamon, sweetner and baking powder in a coffee mug, stirring to combine. Add in the egg and butter. Stir well to combine. Microwave one minute on high (adjust more or less, depending on the wattage of your appliance). Remove mug from microwave. Run a butter knife around the edges of the mug to loosen the muffin, and invert it onto a serving dish. Slice, butter and enjoy!

Makes one large muffin. Contains 3.2 grams of carbohydrate, 9.4 grams of fibre, 12.2 grams of protein and 17.3 grams of fat - 235 calories.