Sunday, June 17, 2012

Cho-Coconut Bliss!

By Pam Hadder
Who doesn't love that magic combo of coconut and chocolate - especially with a fresh, hot cup of coffee?  The following vegan cupcake recipe blends these flavour favourites, and the BEST part is that it is EASY!
The finished cupcakes are moist, light textured with an intense truffle-like flavour.  Toasting the coconut adds a whole other level of deliciousness.  Hope you will try and enjoy - let me know how it goes xo...

Toasted Coconut Cupcakes

Ingredients - for cupcakes
1 cup all purpose flour
1/3 cup Dutch cocoa
1/4 tsp. sea salt
1-1/2 tsp. baking powder
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup coconut oil
1 cup coconut milk
1 tsp. vanilla extract
2 tsp. coconut extract
1 cup unsweetened, shredded coconut (toasted - reserve 1/2 cup for garnish)

Method - for cupcakes:

To toast the coconut, preheat a small non-stick pan over medium heat for about 2-3 minutes.  Add the coconut and stir constantly until golden brown - remove from heat and allow to cool to room temp.  Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Celsius and line a muffin pan with paper liners (recipe makes
16 medium cupcakes or 12 large).

Meanwhile, melt the coconut oil over low heat (it usually solidifies at room temp - so unless your home is very warm, you will need to melt it a bit - you can also microwave it or immerse the jar in hot tap water).  Blend the cocoa, sugar, salt, baking powder, 1/2 cup of the toasted coconut and flour together in a small bowl.  In a large bowl combine the coconut milk, vanilla and coconut extract; and add the dry mixture to the wet in small batches.  Stir well after each addition  - batter should be smooth.  This is a fairly thick batter, so don't be concerned about that aspect.

Fill lined tins 2/3 full and bake for 24-26 minutes. Allow to cool completely before icing.

Coffee Buttercream Frosting

1/4 cup shortening
1/4 cup margarine
2 cups icing sugar
2 Tbsp. soy milk or coconut milk
1-1/2 tsp coffee extract or coffee flavour liqueur
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup toasted coconut

Beat together the shortening and margarine until light and fluffy. Mix the extracts in with the milk.  Add milk mixture and sugar alternately, beating well after each addition.  Frost cooled cupcakes generously and dip them in the reserved toasted coconut.  Like to be EXTRA FANCY???? Try garnishing your cupcakes with a couple of chocolate covered espresso beans.  XOX

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