Monday, September 28, 2009

September 28, 2009

One step at a time!
Well, I am nearing day five with my new Siamese twin, the pedometer! "So far, so good" is the report, as I have exceeded the 10,000 step guideline each day and I am feeling buoyed by this success. The walking regimen combined with three workouts a week should have me down a size or two by the new year. Funny how having this little gizmo is turning out to be such a powerful motivator.

My former life as an avid walker...

Going back two years, I used to walk faithfully 4 or 5 times weekly, sans pedometer. Even at minus forty-something Celsius, I would bundle up and get out there. On the weekends I would put in extra distance for a bit more of a challenge; just because I had a bit more time to spare. Then, in what should have been the spring of 2008, the cold weather and snow would not go away -- we are used to bitter, long winters, but that extraordinarily long winter broke my spirit and I lost my enchantment/enjoyment with walking. I have to say, though -- I think if I can keep up this challenge for one month, I will be back into it and healthier/happier for my efforts. Already my legs feel leaner and I have more energy throughout the day -- it is so exciting to see changes after just a few days. Need a motivator? Maybe the pedometer is your ticket to fitness too!

Banana Bread -- mmmmm...
Tonight I am baking banana bread -- this is a favorite of my two daughters. If I make banana muffins, they just sit there and mold -- even with lots of chocolate chips in them - go figure! My younger daughter tried to make brownies today with a friend and someone added a tad too much salt -- I suspect they both added a measure of salt, unknowingly. Anyway, she typically is a phenomenal baker and this was upsetting to her, so I am baking the bread to cheer her up.

Persist! It's so worth it!
Flops happen -- sometimes it's the cook, and sometimes it's the recipe. However, when it all comes together and you pour your love and energy into making something for those you care about from scratch, AND it emerges perfect, fragrant and warm from the oven, that is a priceless moment! It is worth passing over a few glitches/speed bumps/whatever to get that result -- a bit like my walking, I guess. What a great day -- I am so thankful and so humbled by the combined experience that has been September 28, 2009. I feel like I could achieve anything! Get out and walk in the fall air, bake some banana bread - enjoy, enjoy and enjoy xo!

Easy Banana Bread

3-4 mashed ripe bananas
1/2 tsp. sea salt
3/4 cup granulated white sugar (or 1/2 Splenda, 1/4 sugar)
1/2 cup melted butter or margarine
2 large eggs
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1-3/4 cups unsifted all purpose flour
1 cup coarsely chopped walnut meats
2 tsp. butter or margarine to grease the loaf pan

Preheat the oven to 350 Fahrenheit -- if you are using a glass loaf pan or a dark metal pan. If your pan is aluminium, you can increase the heat to 375. Grease your selected pan with the 2 tsp. of butter or margarine and set aside.

In a large bowl, mash the bananas with the sugar and salt; add in the vanilla and nuts. Melt the margarine or butter and set aside to cool. Meanwhile mix the flour with baking powder and baking soda in a separate small bowl; set aside. Mix the eggs into the bananas, beating until slightly frothy. Stir in the melted margarine or butter and then gradually add the flour mix to the banana mix -- stirring just enough to moisten.

Fold the completed batter into the prepared loaf pan and bake for about one hour. Loaf should be golden brown and cooked through - test with a bamboo skewer or small sharp knife if you are unsure. If you loaf is browning too fast and the interior is still moist, cover the loaf top loosely with foil and reduce the oven temperature by 25 degrees - bake another 10 minutes and retest with a clean skewer or knife.

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