Thursday, October 29, 2009

October 29, 2009

All Hallows Eve
I can't believe the this month is almost over! Halloween approaches and winter is just around the corner -- our local weather channel is predicting snow this coming Sunday!

Darker Days
To top it off, the days are getting noticeably shorter and will seem shorter still when we revert to Standard Time from Daylight Savings time in early November. The darkest thing of all, however, is the current controversy surrounding the H1N1 virus and Canadians are all wondering whether or not to vaccinate.

Choosing Positivity!
After much thought, I have made the personal decision to be vaccinated against H1N1 tomorrow. They have only 135,000 doses available right now and our population in Manitoba is over one million. My thinking is that I would rather be exposed to the deadly virus in the controlled manner of the vaccination versus taking my chances at exposure in the general population. If I respond well, next week I will take my three children. Wish me luck :)

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