Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sunday, Sweet Sunday :)

So long, sweet summer days! The cool, smokiness is in the air and I am finding myself noticing the shorter daylight hours -- a lot more java going down at both work and home LOL!

I like to cook one "home style", full-course meal a week for my children and today I am going to make BBQ ribs. My method follows that of my dear Momma -- par-cooking the meat in seasoned pot of water and then slow-roasting in the oven. The result is lower in fat, and fall-off-the-bone delicious.

A salad using fresh garden tomatoes and herbs will accompany; along with some baked potatoes and all the fixings (fresh chives, sour cream etc.).

Not sure of dessert yet, but I know that I am looking forward to sipping some Limoncello apres diner and perhaps engaging my girls in a game of full contact Scrabble - ah, BRAIN WARS! Fun to exercise our mental muscle :)

I will post my BBQ recipe and meat seasonings/par-cook method a bit later. Time to hit the supermarket for a few things. xo

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