Saturday, October 23, 2010

I Am Machine!

Winter is sneaking up on us here on the prairies! It is always an adjustment for me to start wearing socks, a jacket etc. - brrrrrr.... On the work side, I am continuing to have long days, hectic times at work, but I am feeling quite positive that these extra efforts will begin to pay dividends.

Comfort Foods
Over the past 3-4 weeks, as I have dreamed of enjoying a little down time and have tried to adjust to the cooler weather, I have been clipping recipes here and there -- there are always lots of recipes circulated close to Thanksgiving. But I have either been too busy, or too tired, ((... or BOTH!)) to make anything!

I did find some interesting raisin-filled cookies called "Frog Bellies" - gross name, but my little dude LOVES raisins, so I may have to bake some! I have also had a craving for scones and tea - either Earl Grey or Orange Pekoe tea, mmmm.... piping hot :) It is always nice to fill the house with the aroma of some homemade baked goods or soup -- it usually draws my young adult daughters out of the woodwork too, which is nice.

Sugar 'n Spice Factor
Today I am taking it easy - just recharging the batteries and doing a few things around the hacienda. I think I will satisfy my cravings with some Chai Tea - it is easy to make and satisfies that need for sugar and spice, and for something hot and slightly sweet too - not to mention, the "tea factor"! Here is my method to prepare delightful, piping hot Chai for two, because everything you share tastes so much better... Frog Bellies update to follow; cheers!

Chai Spice Tea for Two

4 Tbsp. Chai Spice loose tea or 3 tea bags ((I prefer loose))
3 cups hole milk or plain soy milk
2 tsp. honey
2 cinnamon sticks and dash nutmeg for garnish ((optional))

Place the milk, honey and tea in a small saucepan and turn to medium-low heat, stirring constantly. NOTE: If you are using loose tea, place the tea in a tea ball or tie it in a small piece of cheesecloth. You can also place the tea in loose, it just means you will need to strain the tea at serving time.

Bring the tea mixture to a simmer, and continue to simmer for about 7 minutes. Do not allow the mixture to boil - reduce heat if necessary. Pour tea into two large mugs, sprinkle with nutmeg and place one cinnamon stick in each mug as a stir stick/garnish.

Hope you will try and enjoy xo.

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