Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Love-in, Lovin', Le Vin?

Fab Feb is here! The sun tells me winter is waning, but with the frigid temps we're experiencing it can't happen fast enough. Thankfully, 'tis the season for love, lovers and all things romantic and lovely - that helps to warm my heart, as I scheme elaborate dreams involving rose petals, strawberries, chocolate, and other fanciful things. If only I could host a body paint event with different shades of chocolate, like some living sepia photograph composed of luscious mocha tones -- even if the art had a brief "shelf life", think of how fun the clean up would be! I've been to spas where they do chocolate beauty treatments (mani-pedis, body wraps etc.) and I've witnessed toddlers finger painting with chocolate pudding, so surely art and beauty could meet somewhere in the middle this Valentine's Day? Hmmmm....

Birthdays, Birthdays, Birthdays...
Two of my children are February babies -- so this adds to the Feb love-fest and helps to banish the winter blahs, blues; what-have-you... I never tire of finding ways to make their special days memorable. To this end, like a lesser star in deep space with plans for supernova greatness, I am attracting some interesting edibles in my pantry orbit: chocolate chili and pumpkin spice flavoured pastas are two especially inspiring recent additions. Now I am sleuthing to find interesting ways to prepare these exotic items and pair them with some lovely vino - pure, joyful fun :)

A lot of the recipes I am finding are for chocolate dessert pasta, and I was considering a more savory approach, so I may just have to "wing it"! Nothing like experimenting on the taste buds of one's friends and family...will keep you posted on the outcomes!
Oh Cupcake - Come to Mama!
For B-Day One, I am considering an Arnold Palmer cupcake experience - there's something about the mingling of lemon and black tea flavours that intrigues me. Here is the recipe, courtesy of the fabulous Paula Dean - I love her no-fuss, no-fear approach with simple, everyday ingredients; she always manages to find a new twist with old favourites:
Arnold Palmer Cupcakes

1 cup milk
5 black tea bags
1 cup unsalted butter
2 cups sugar
4 large eggs
1 tsp. lemon zest
1 tsp. fresh lemon juice
2-1/2 cups all purpose flour
3/4 Tbsp. baking powder
3/4 tsp. salt
Arnold Palmer Frosting - recipe follows
Heat milk in a saucepan and steep the tea for 15-20 minutes - do not boil. Remove the tea bags, squeezing to release the tea essence and allow the milk to cool to room temp. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and line 12 muffin cups with paper liners.
Beat sugar and butter together in large bowl until light and creamy. Beat in the eggs one at a time, mixing well after each additions. Gradually add the tea-milk mixture, along with the lemon juice and zest - reserve 1/2 cup of the tea-milk for the Frosting recipe.
In a medium bowl, combine the dry ingredients; then add gradually to the wet mixture, stirring just to combine. Spoon batter into muffin cups and bake 20-22 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Remove cupcakes from tins and allow to cool on a baking rack. When completely cool, pipe or spread on Arnold Palmer Frosting.
Arnold Palmer Frosting
1 cup unsalted butter, softened
2 cups confectioners sugar
1/2 cup tea-milk mixture (reserved)
1 tsp. fresh lemon juice
In a large bowl beat the butter, gradually mixing in the sugar alternately with the tea-milk mixture. Stir in the lemon juice and mix to form a smooth, creamy consistency. Ice the cupcakes and serve.


  1. Caitlin will be all over these. She works part-time in a funky tea shop, and loves baking cupcakes. they just need some vegan-ization. But why "Arnold Palmer"? He loves them? Developed them?

  2. Not sure of why the Arnie Palmer name - is he a closet baker? Does he like cream and sugar in his black tea? More sleuthing required... let me know how Caitlin likes this recipe xo

  3. Hey Melinda - found this link explaining the name of these cupcakes; check it out... xo!


  4. Too funny! the iced tea/lemonade combo sounds pretty darn good to me! what do I know?

    Also funnily enough, that link's recipe is vegan. Can't say my tea-diva would go along with using iced tea mix though. She will come up with something purist/veganista somehow, I'm sure.

    Thanks for the sleuthing!
