Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Summer Harvest Soup

By Pam Hadder

I love soup - no matter the season, to me, no meal says comfort quite like soup!  Soups are typically quite fast and economical to make - it's great to improvise with what you have on hand, or to suit what is available in the garden or your local market.  Tonight I was craving something savoury, but was feeling exhausted.  However, I am glad I dragged my butt into the kitchen, because in less than an hour, this soup recipe was ready and I had a very happy tum :) Good soup just sets your heart right, you know what I mean?

This vegan acorn squash soup makes use of some of the early summer harvest: local carrots, celery, onions and baby potatoes along with a less typical blend of seasoning.  There are also some options provided to help you create your own signature version - very easy to add or sub other fresh veg based on what you have available. I enjoyed my serving with rye toast and sliced tomatoes on the side - hope you will try and enjoy xox

1 medium-size acorn squash

2 Tbsp. coconut oil
1 medium cooking onion, finely chopped
3 medium carrots, peeled and thinly sliced
2 ribs celery (or four leafy ribs from the heart), chopped thinly
12 baby potatoes, washed and chopped in 1/2" pieces

2 cloves fresh garlic, finely minced or pressed
3-4 cups vegetable stock (or water, but stock is preferred)
2 rounded Tbsp. whole grain mild mustard (I like Maille brand, L'Ancienne Old Style Mustard)
1 tsp. dried basil
1/2 tsp. sea salt

1/2 tsp. dried crushed red chilies
Fresh ground black pepper to taste (I use about 1/2 tsp.)

1 can of coconut milk (approx. 1.5 cups)

Wash the acorn squash and cut it in half, scooping out the seeds and stringy pulp.  Place the halves cut-side down on a large plate, adding a couple of tablespoons of water and covering tightly with microwave-safe wrap.  Microwave for 15-17 minutes - a sharp knife should easily pierce through the skin when the squash is ready.  Cooking time may vary depending on your microwave and the size of your squash.  While the squash is cooking, melt the coconut oil over medium heat in a large covered saucepan.  Add the onion, carrots, celery and baby potatoes; stirring intermittently, cook for about 10 minutes (onion should be clear and vegetables should be par-cooked but not mushy. Add in the garlic and cook 3-4 minutes longer, stirring as needed.  Stir in the salt, pepper, chilies, basil, mustard and vegetable stock, bring to a simmer and reduce heat if mixture begins to boil. Continue to simmer until the squash is ready.  When the squash is cooked, scoop out all of the flesh into a medium bowl and mash it coarsely with a fork or potato masher. Add all of the squash to the soup mixture, and stir in the coconut milk.  Continue to simmer for 5 minutes - serve and enjoy.

I like a rustic, chunky texture to my soup, but if you prefer a velvety texture, this soup can be blended using a counter-top blender or immersion blender. Alternatively, you can scoop out half of the soup, blend it and add it back to the chunky veg in the saucepan (compromise between puréed and chunky, lol!) Some great add-ins or substitutions for the veg ingredients would be finely chopped broccoli or cauliflower (about one cup); or fresh corn off the cob (peaches and cream, mmm - just use a small knife and scrape those kernels into the pot!). Add these optional veggies with the onion, celery etc. when you sauté. Also, depending on how long the soup simmers and your personal preference for consistency, you may wish to add a bit more broth.  

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