Wednesday, September 16, 2009

September 16, 2009

A rush of pure joy!
I consider myself to be quite a methodical, somewhat overly analytical creature, but for some reason I really love the little surprises/impromptu events that sometimes pop up throughout the day.

Treasure trove
This evening, for example, I enjoyed chatting online with a pal in India and an impromptu cup of tea (in person!) with one of my gal pals from university. It is pure joy to find these commonalities with others -- a real treat to have a few minutes to share one's views and philosophise a little without fear of a lynching. Thank you, my friends for sharing these moments with me -- it is a true treasure and I appreciate your opinions and openness.

I am now preparing for bed and I think my dreams will be the colours of summer sky blue, soft coral and cotton candy pink. Good night friends - you have enriched my waking and my dreaming and I am so grateful:)

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