Monday, September 21, 2009

September 21, 2009

Lovin' the Love-in

Well, it was a dreary day -- threatening to rain and cooler temps, but I am sunny on the inside, a bright, bold, carnival-coloured yellow! Coolest thing happened today -- I got a direct message on Twitter from Yoko Ono; how totally wonderful is that? The fabulous John and Yoko love-in for peace Yoko Ono - so pinch me :)

Yoko O-Yes!!!

She is still making music and promoting peace - what an exceptional, brave, beautiful-inside-and-out, talented, and unique artist she is. Thank you Yoko - you made my day. Thanks also to my loyal follower, Smithfield -- you float my boat with your kind words of support Dearest Friend. Yes I am feeling the love vibe and lovin' that love-in energy! We all need a lot more love and support it seems to me -- and it all starts simply with kind, caring people like these. I cannot fully express my gratitude; you humble and inspire me.

Good medicine

My chicken soup went over so well with my kids (all gone - that huge cauldron full!) so I made another pot tonight. I just had another small bowl after my Chinese medicinal tea - quality control; it is better than yesterday's batch. There is a bad cold bug going around the office and I have been staving it off for the last week or so with my asian secret weapon - this amazing Chinese tea! When I get a bit fatigued and a tiny sore throat appears, I fire up the kettle and immediately crack into the tea -- I can't read Chinese, so I couldn't tell you what is in it, but the first time I drank it I had to choke it down! I thought it tasted of dung! Now I am used to it and I actually find it comforting -- it is called Ganmao Qingre Keli and I obtain it from a Doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. Seek it out where you live and buy a case -- it is just so worth it.

Recipe for PEACE XO

So, all this wonderful blessing activity has me just about ready to go super nova with joy - what then can I share with you in terms of nourishment that will not pale in comparison??? Love and peace deserve some kind of wonderful comfort food -- what somebody who dearly loves you makes to cheer your day and restore your energy. I am thinking that maybe my own recipe for lentil soup might fit the bill; here it is with much love:

1 comment:

  1. I can't comment on the lentil soup, but I can comment on being in love and living joyfully as a result. In the words of the Troggs, from oh so many years ago:
    Wild thing... you make my heart sing...
    You make everything - groovy
    I said wild thing
    Wild thing, I think I love you
    But I wanna know for sure
    Come on, hold me tight
    I love you.

    Wild thing... you make my heart sing...
    You make everything - groovy
    I said wild thing...
    Wild thing - I think you move me
    But I wanna know for sure
    So come on, hold me tight
    You move me.

