Wednesday, September 9, 2009

September 9, 2009

Burger Hunger
Today was a carnivorous celebration of sorts. When I think back, I probably wanted meat (red meat!) for breakfast. But I had a two egg, cheese omelet... and even with all of that great protein in my tum, by 10:00 a.m. I was hungry again. So, I ate a few almonds and drank some water, and wished for 12:30 to come sooner.

THERE'S the beef!
When my best friend wanted to go for lunch I was happy to hear her choose a local chain restaurant known for their delectable bacon cheddar burgers. We each devoured one of the huge Angus beef delights, sans buns and with Caesar salad on the side instead of fries (we try and watch our carb intake!). The other tip (learned from my Bud)is to order the salad without dressing, but with parm dip on the side -- yum!

More of the good stuff...

Well, after work I came home hungry -- surprising as I had a bigger lunch than usual. Guess what was just off the grill? Yep! All beef burgers, AND I ate TWO patties with a dollop of mayo and mustard on the side. So, now that my hemoglobin levels are nearing Guinness Record levels, I would like to share my grandma Susanna's Russian Salad recipe with you. It is a meal in itself and features plenty of crisp bacon, so I am thinking tomorrow's theme might be tied in with that fabulous stuff.

Susanna's Russian Salad

10 cups fresh salad greens
1/2 cup finely cut chives or scallions
1 lb. crisp fried and chopped bacon
2 diced and drained tomatoes
1/4 cup fresh dill weed, chopped finely


1 cup buttermilk
1/3 cup full fat mayonnaise
dash of ground black pepper
dash of salt
dash of garlic powder
2 tsp. honey (or other favorite sweetener)

At serving time, toss greens with tomatoes and chives. Pour half of dressing over greens and toss again. Add in 3/4 of bacon and rest of dressing, toss again. Garnish with remaining bacon and fresh dill.

Serves four.

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