Sunday, September 13, 2009

September 13, 2009

Summer Nights
Well the tropical weather continues... after a cool, wet summer we are now enjoying sunshine, temps in the high 20's and super humid conditions -- what gives? Seems like September is the new July and maybe in the years ahead this will be come the most sought after vacation time!

Tonight I am sitting with a freshly washed face, my Zoom whitening touch up trays in my mouth and thinking back on a busy, joy-filled weekend. I had a bridal shower to go to Sunday and I ran errands/did laundry etc. Saturday. In between I was able to connect with three girlfriends which was so wonderful.

Didn't have any great urge to cook, however I did buy some great fresh, free range chickens and ground beef at my fav local meat shop. Friday night supper was nachoes with beef for my son and a taco salad for myself. This week I must buckle down and watch those carbs... I just feel so much better if I do. If anyone has any great protein-packed low carb recipes out there, I would love to hear from you and compare notes.

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