Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Wednesday, December 30

Being the Change!
...Very excited as we approach the cusp of 2010! This has been a challenging year for business -- I hope the coming months see renewed confidence and optimism :) It is frustrating to feel limited by fear and caution -- sometimes I have wondered how long I could tread water, you know? Many days I have felt like a racehorse chomping at the bit and unable to get out of the starting gate!

Eternal Optimists Need Only Apply...
Had a great discussion a couple of days ago with one of my dear sisters -- December 27 was "girls' night" at my Mom's home. Over a delightful dinner of fresh pickerel (Americans know this fish as walleye!) and Chilean Cabernet Sauvignon we talked about our frustration with younger employees being "on the receiving end" but short on the giving side of the equation. Their self-absorption is married with a lack of appreciation and basic manners -- I may be old-school, but I still value the "please and thank you" interchanges! Let us suffice to say that it was a welcome affirmation for me to discover that we shared similar frustrations -- I am not alone with my experience of this workplace phenomenon! LOL!

What's First; What's Waiting?
I feel fortunate to have an employer that is progressive, generous and who shares my values and life vision. In fact we are often finishing one another's sentences and laughing as we mirror behaviours/activities -- two unique minds with a common path of purpose; it is a great blessing. I am both excited beyond belief and anxious beyond my understanding at start of a new calendar year. Our positivity, professionalism, sheer talent and ability AND united front should be more that we need to survive and thrive, but I have worked long enough to know that it isn't always the best or the brightest that get the biggest slice of the profit pie! I can only guarantee that my heart will be 100% my best efforts to blast the 2009 funk and junk to kingdom come, allowing the good stuff to take its place. Bring it on!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sunday, December 13

Only Twelve Days Until Christmas!
Well, the fruitcakes baked beautifully and I have been periodically basting with brandy. Although Sarah's recipe does not spell out the "how to's" of soaking the cake, I recommend using cheesecloth soaked in the spirits ( in this case, I used French brandy), then wrapped tightly around the cake pieces (I cut my two large rounds into quarters after they had chilled in the fridge for about almost a week, to make them more manageable/gift-able). Then wrap the cheese cloth covered cakes in foil and place in a cool place.

I am still debating whether I should add the almond paste and glace icing -- I think I will do one cake (four quarters) and leave the other pieces "as is", to be served with a dollop of whipped cream, traditional Trinidadian style.

Last Thursday my son had his Christmas concert and afterwards we had our first taste of the fruit cake -- as promised, he was honoured with the first morsel! He politely remarked that his holiday favourite is still shortbread! Then my Mom (an amazing cook and baker) tried the cake -- it did not taste as sweet as I thought it would; I think all of the liquors mellow the natural sweetness of the dried fruits, but Mom enjoyed the flavour. As for me, the jury is still out, but I think the flavour on this recipe will improve with aging.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

December 6, 2009

The First Day of Baking!

Well, the day has come -- Sarah's Christmas Cake is in the oven! I can't stop grinning; there is something euphoric about the almost-culmination of an 18-year-old dream! My excitement has overcome my fears of jinxing things by celebrating too soon. Life is too short to curb our joy over victories (large or small), so success glows bright in my heart, way ahead of actually crossing the culinary finish line.

Fruitcake Footnotes
Some feedback for those of you who may have looked at the recipe but have not taken the plunge. Here are a couple of things I noted/noticed that are not really spelled out in Sarah's recipe:

1) Strain the fruit before adding it to the cake batter -- less than 800 ml of fluid remained -- so over 2 liters absorbed into the dried fruit mix!

2) I now see the importance of chopping all of the fruit fine -- the tidbits swell considerably after their boozy baste session!

3) I used two large spring form pans instead of a set of three (small, medium and large) -- my reasoning was that they would finish baking closer to the same time; but time will tell, right?

To be continued...
In approximately one hour and forty-five minutes my darling treasures should be baked and the first brandy kiss awaits! My nine-year-old son was just heading off to bed when the cakes went in the oven and he asked if he could be the first to taste the cakes -- I explained a bit more about the process and also let him know that the alcohol in the fruit would evaporate while the cakes baked, but that a daily dousing of alcohol was part of the finishing steps for this recipe. He thought this was quite wicked ;) Anyway, I salute his adventurous spirit and he will be my first taste tester -- although it will be a sugar cube sized serving!