Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sunday, December 13

Only Twelve Days Until Christmas!
Well, the fruitcakes baked beautifully and I have been periodically basting with brandy. Although Sarah's recipe does not spell out the "how to's" of soaking the cake, I recommend using cheesecloth soaked in the spirits ( in this case, I used French brandy), then wrapped tightly around the cake pieces (I cut my two large rounds into quarters after they had chilled in the fridge for about almost a week, to make them more manageable/gift-able). Then wrap the cheese cloth covered cakes in foil and place in a cool place.

I am still debating whether I should add the almond paste and glace icing -- I think I will do one cake (four quarters) and leave the other pieces "as is", to be served with a dollop of whipped cream, traditional Trinidadian style.

Last Thursday my son had his Christmas concert and afterwards we had our first taste of the fruit cake -- as promised, he was honoured with the first morsel! He politely remarked that his holiday favourite is still shortbread! Then my Mom (an amazing cook and baker) tried the cake -- it did not taste as sweet as I thought it would; I think all of the liquors mellow the natural sweetness of the dried fruits, but Mom enjoyed the flavour. As for me, the jury is still out, but I think the flavour on this recipe will improve with aging.

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to tasting this exceptional work of passion and alcohol!
