Thursday, December 2, 2010

Dressing Up!

Busy-ness as Usual
Almost Christmas! Feel like my fast-forward button has been stuck in the "on" position for some time now... I know, join the club! It seems that a lot of us are high on the demand side of things and low on time, and the holiday season just adds to the burden for too many of us. I hope that you find/take a few moments in each day to dream, to breathe; just TO BE :)

I have learned to relax - it was not a natural part of my make up. My nickname as a kid was Tazz, because I was always this blur, ripping around; my hair tangled and wet with sweat! I still get keyed up sometimes, but I have learned not to feel guilty about leaving the laundry, dusting etc and crawling into bed early to read instead.

Home Cooked Goodness
I am ever-thankful for having been raised in a home when healthy, nutritious (and abundant!) food was the norm. My Marvelous Mother Martha (MMM) was a farm kid who always had a huge garden, from which we all enjoyed the bounty and learned to appreciate the value and taste of fresh food. So I work hard to keep the fresh factor alive for my kids -- not always easy because their dear Daddy is a Pop Tart, Alphagetti and sugary cereal kind of guy; I swear that he buys all of the junk his mother would never have wasted her grocery budget on!

In the spirit of taking time to take care of yourself, what could be more important than good nutrition? I am taking care to get my good stuff in the furnace each day, as the pre-holiday work and personal schedules are making my trips to the gym more sporadic. At least we can control our food intake, right?

Recently I was fortunate to be given a wonderful salad dressing recipe that just blew my mind and taste buds -- it is just so delicious (and good for you - nice combo!); you will just want to toss those crappy bottled dressings! The base of the this dressing is apple cider vinegar which has a lovely, mellow flavour with just enough zip to keep it interesting but does not overpower the delicate flavours of your veggies. Here is my fav salad mix and the dressing recipe for you to enjoy and share - a little pre-Christmas gift that you can enjoy forever after, which I sincerely hope you will; xo!

Paul's Awesome Salad*

*Serves One

Salad Ingredients:
2-3 cups baby spinach or mixed greens
1 Tbsp. dried cranberries, or fresh berries
3 ounces chicken or turkey, chopped
1 Tbsp. crumbled feta cheese
1/4 cup diced English cucumber
4 walnut halves, chopped finely

3 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar**
1 tsp. liquid honey (natural, unpasteurized is best for your health)
1 tsp. extra virgin olive oil

**Look for natural, unfiltered apple cider vinegar for the best nutrition and flavour; I buy mine locally at The Bulk Barn. This is an easy meal to make for work lunches or a quick dinner. Easy to pick up a pre-cooked chicken or to roast a larger bird at home to serve up for a few meals.

Assemble at serving time - ENJOY!

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